I started
karate when I was 10!...My parents. My mother is the strongest woman I know, and because of her, I can travel and compete. After a competition, she is the only person that can hold my medal. I do this because, after all her efforts at work, she is the one who deserves to hold the medal. I always make sure that I give my all at a competition so I can repay her. My father is my biggest fan and will always be by my side. Whether I win or lose, he is the first person I hug. His eternal love and support are what keeps me going in those difficult times. The three of us are a team, and we don't plan on stopping! Whatever comes our way, we will do it together!...I love competitions because of the competitive environment, the passion for Karate, and seeing friends from other parts of the country....The support I get from friends and family. On those dark days, where my goals may seem far away, I am reminded that there are people on my side, cheering me on...."Free your mind!"