Athlete Bio#
Palm Beach Gardens
# 13
Height: 5'9"
Position: Catcher/Utility
B/T: R/R
Hometown: Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
School: Stanford
Graduation: 2018
First year Team USA member
All-State accolades
6x All-County First Team
Played for Rock GOLD
- Finished 3rd at ASA/USA 18U GOLD National Championship
Parents: Colleen and Dave Pettit
Siblings: Dawson
Pets: A dog named Ribi
Dream job: To work in market research for a big technology company where I can travel around the world
Favorite sport besides softball: Basketball
What it means to represent the United States: It has been a dream of mine since I was 12 and first watched the Olympic team play on TV. It’s an amazing honor and I am very much looking forward to the opportunity to play with and be coached by the best while representing my home country.
What she loves about softball: Both the competitive team aspect but also the one on one battles that come with the game. I also find it rewarding to succeed in a sport that is based around failure.
Who has been the biggest supporter of your career: My parents, my family, and my coaches.
Why she chose to attend Stanford: I chose Stanford because it is a great combination of academics and athletics. I’m surrounded by high achieving athletes everyday and also in class with some of the smartest people in the world. It is an amazing atmosphere that I learn a lot from everyday.
Three people I'd love to have dinner with: Jessica Mendoza, Steve Jobs, and J.K. Rowling
Three things I hate doing: Playing video games, doing laundry, my computer Science homework
Three things I love doing: being active and outside, cooking/baking, spending time with my family and friends
Three TV characters I wish were real so I could hang out with them: Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games), Derrick Morgan (Criminal Minds), Jess (New Girl)
Three things I must have when I leave the house: Phone, water bottle, headphones
Three favorite movies: Forrest Gump, Sound of Music, Divergent
Three bad habits I wish I could break: getting cranky when I’m hungry, falling asleep during movies, not making my bed