Breaking Events & Results
Competitions #
The following domestic competitions are key events that will impact qualification for any WDSF Sanctioned Events, the 2023 Pan American Games and/or the 2024 Olympic Games. While preliminary team selection criteria and events are listed below, all final selection procedure criteria will be posted here.
Domestic Events #
Competitors must be current members of USA Dance, registered as a Breaking Athlete, must have USA citizenship and a valid U.S. passport to get National Championships and potentially represent Team USA at WDSF events. The National Tour will consist of three Regional Championships and one National Championship set to take place between March and June of 2023. Placement in the Top 4 at each Regional Championship automatically secures Top 16 placements at the 2023 BFGUSA National Championship. This will result in four remaining "last chance" placements to be determined via a prelim the day of National Championship, with participation in at least one Regional Championship as a prerequisite for all entries. First and second place per gender [b-boy and b-girl] at the 2023 BFGUSA National Championship will be Team USA's nominated representatives for the 2023 WDSF World Championship.
All domestic events hosted by USA Dance unless otherwise posted.
International Events #
Please visit the WDSF's website to view a list of WDSF approved/announcement of events.
WDSF explanation of event status (retrieved from WDSF website)
“Confirmed” means the event is formally awarded to the relevant WDSF National Member Body (NMB) and is approved by the WDSF.
“Pending Formal Bidding” means that the formal bidding procedure by the NMB has not been completed and the event has not yet been officially approved by the WDSF. The status of the event is currently provisional and may be subject to change.
“Under WDSF Review” means that the status of the event is provisional. The event could change, or it may not take place should the WDSF not grant permission.
Access to events may change upon the WDSF’s approval and review of the NMB’s [in the United States, the NMB is USA Dance] National Ranking system and any other changes that may come from the WDSF Newsletter. All updates and changes will be posted on as soon as they are made known and clarified by the International Federation, posted here:
All events listed above are hosted either by USA Dance and/or the WDSF. If you are a Participant of these events at the time of a competition listed above, you are still required to be familiar with and comply with the USOPC Athlete Safety Policy and USOPC Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies while participating at the event. The polices and information regarding reporting allegations of misconduct can be found at USOPC Athlete Safety.
Camps & Clinics #
More information coming soon. Criteria for participation in any high performance camp will be outlined in the Sport & Athlete Program Plan.