Robert Rosthenhausler
Athlete Bio#
Height: 5'11
Position: Catcher
Hometown: Tucson, Ariz.
School: Cochise College, Fort Hays State
Graduation: 2005
Previous ASA Experience
Broken Bow, California A's, Midwest Stampede, Tucson Hurricanes
What's your favorite movie? Tombstone
What's your favorite vacation spot? San Diego
What's your favorite food? Mexican
What's your favorite off-the-field activity? Watching mt kid play baseball
Three people you'd like to have dinner with: Mickey Mantel, Johnny Bench, Barry Bonds
Three things you love doing: Hanging with family, Watching baseball, Camping
Three favorite drinks: Root Beer, Gatorade, Water
Height: 5'11
Position: Catcher
Hometown: Tucson, Ariz.
School: Cochise College, Fort Hays State
Graduation: 2005
Previous ASA Experience
Broken Bow, California A's, Midwest Stampede, Tucson Hurricanes
Robert was an All-American at Fort Hays State, his father also played Fast Pitch softball
Who's your favorite pro-sports team? Arizona DiamondbacksWhat's your favorite movie? Tombstone
What's your favorite vacation spot? San Diego
What's your favorite food? Mexican
What's your favorite off-the-field activity? Watching mt kid play baseball
Three people you'd like to have dinner with: Mickey Mantel, Johnny Bench, Barry Bonds
Three things you love doing: Hanging with family, Watching baseball, Camping
Three favorite drinks: Root Beer, Gatorade, Water