Kelsey Helman
Athlete Bio#
Hagerstown, PA
North Hagerstown High School.
Team USA Years: 9 years.
When did you begin Skating: when I was 4years old.
Current skating club/ Coaches name:Fast Foward Racing; Patty Leazier.
Are you sponsored and if so, by whom:Vicci King(BONT NATIONAL).
High school attended:North Hagerstown High School.
Year of graduation:2014.
Location of high school:Hagerstown,Maryland.
Pan American/World Games/International Experience: World championships.
A Team USA member for the last nine years, earned a relay bronze medal at the World Championships as a junior. She is currently training vigorously on and off the track with her home team in Hagerstown, Maryland and is ready to medal in Lima.
Life Goals:•To become the best skater so I would be noticed so I could be a good role model. I know that if I could get people's attention, I could make a difference.
Career goals:•Be an Olympian. •Become a sports meds person or Become a Middle School Math teacher.
Favorite food before a competition:PB & Jelly sandwich and a Power bar.
Favorite movie:Divergent
Favorite place to shop:Sports stores and American Eagle.
Favorite music to listen to during training or competition: Hip Hop/rap & Country music that pumps me up.
If you could pick one word to describe you, what would it be: Vivacious.
Who is the person you most admire/greatest influence in your life and why: Patty Leazier because without her I wouldn't be where I am today.
Father’s name:Michael Helman
Mother’s name:Belinda Helman
Brothers:I have two brothers, Michael & Denny Helman.
Sisters: I have three sisters, Kirsten, Lennie & Shaun.
Kelsey Helman is 22 years old and has been inline speed skating for 17 years. She has been selected for the United States National Team for 9 consecutive years. Her favorite race is the 1K on track. Her favorite inline event is the World Roller Games. While on USA’s junior team, she earned a bronzed medal in a relay. She has earned over 100 national titles and placements-both indoor and outdoor combined. During this year’s USA team selection, she earned the most points of any senior female athlete, ranking her as the top female nationally.
Her training includes cycling, indoor and outdoor skating, weight training, off skate exercises, and the gym. Kelsey’s home team, Fast Forward Racing, is located in Hagerstown, Maryland United States of America. Kelsey has been part of Bont USA for 5 years and proudly represents the Bont company. Her skate set up includes Bont Vapor boots, Bont 3PF 7050 110 X 4 frames, Bont Red Magic wheels and Bont 608 black series bearings.
She is passionate about the inline speed skating and mentors younger skaters during private skate sessions. She continually supports and helps develop young less experience skaters by sharing her expertise. During home team practice sessions, she helps build the speed program to ensure all skaters are reaching their potential. She is dedicated to the advancement of the sport and volunteers time to her hometown skating facility and speed program.
Kelsey enjoys traveling and meeting new people. Skating has allowed her to travel internationally and experience new cultures. Skating has taken her to 11 countries. One thing that Kelsey likes the most about skating abroad is that she has the opportunity to skate on different track and road courses. She thinks each track or course has its own design, “feel” and unique manner in which a skater is able to carry his/her speed. Kelsey has gained life experience from her time traveling and competing as an inline speed skater.